Upcoming Competitions

As Hunter and I settle in to the new year…well, let’s be honest, we are not settled at all. We are training hard and gearing up to compete all around the nation.

Tomorrow we are hopping on a plane to California!! We will be competing at Playground Training Academy on Saturday, January 21st in Fresno, CA. This will be a National Ninja League Qualifier. Top three men go on to compete at the NNL Championship in March for the chance to win $10,000.

Our goal is to take first and second place at the qualifier this weekend; I of course will be the one getting first... Once we win the competition we are making the road trip down to LA to unwind for the rest of the weekend. This will be a much needed break from all the endless hours of work and training at the gym.

Come Monday morning, we jump on a plane and get right back into training like animals. Hunter and I have a beautiful relationship (not like that…) because we each specialize in the other’s weaknesses. Hunter has incredible grip and finger strength where for me, that is somewhere I am not the best. I excel at big dynamic movement such as laches and trampoline jumps, where Hunter is not bad by any means but I am able to push his limits with different dynamic movements. It is amazing how hard we can push each other and expand our abilities, not at just one single aspect but by becoming a well-rounded athlete in all areas.

We have started to play a game we made up called ‘SICK’. I’ll explain our training game in a later blog post but it is a fantastic and fun way to train technique.

We are going to continue to train and travel and hopefully win. We want to show the ninja world that just because you are a famous ANW competitor does not guarantee a winning spot at a competition. We want to show the elite ninjas that they need to step up their training in order to compete with us.

After this weekend, we will hopefully be traveling back to California for the NNL Championships. As well, we are looking to make an appearance at the Wolf Pack Ninja Tour. From there… we will pick and choose various competitions around the US and hopefully make a whole lot of ninja friends along the way!

Are there any competitions you are looking to compete in coming up? Let us know in the comments below!
